Saturday, May 15, 2010

Bella Italia sto arrivando

For those of you who KNOW me! You understand that I have some kind of connection with the Italian culture. I just LOVE Italy, LOVE the culture, the history, the landscape, the food, the weather, the language, the cars and of course going there and being called “Bella” is a Huge bonus! LOL
So when my friend Charmie told me that she was going TDY for 4 days around my Birthday, I jump on the possibility and said: “Can I come with you?”
She said: “OMG!! Sure!! Are you sure??” OF course I am SURE! Are you kidding me?? I am sure about nothing BUT the fact that I can go in Italy and enjoy everything that I can about Italy!! ;-)
I am so excited, so we are leaving tomorrow morning… WHOHOO!! And coming back on Thursday (sometime in the afternoon) but there is always the possibility that we will get lost and will HAVE to stay there of course, we will (Obviously) try our best to find our way back, but you know all the road lead to Rome. So I might be able to send a postcard from there too! LOL!

Can you see on the map, Venice, Vincenza, Padova, Rovigo, and Verona. Of course we will be going around Verona, so all those big cities might only be a dream to visit one day. But I sure am going to try to get around as much as I can! I will keep you posted on what, where, how and you know me, my HTF (Happy Trigger Finger) is delighted.


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Alan Kaula said...

have fun with my sister!

Anne said...

So Much Fun with her. She is the BESTEST and more! Pictures are coming soon! And some funny stories about our little escapade! not tonight, I am off to bed early!

Alan Kaula said...

can't wait! :-)