Saturday, June 27, 2009

Happy Birthday

Today is my best friend birthday. And we are not with him to celebrate it!
So even though you are not close by, and you are alone.
Remember that no matter where you are in the world you are with us ALWAYS!
We won't be so mean to eat a cake thinking of you, but we will keep a raincheck and we will do it together when we all get together, even if it was 6 months from now. (shouldn't been! right??)
So go out, and celebrate, I am celebrating and thanking the stars that our paths met one day in our life way back then... and we have built a wonderful life together! So CELEBRATE!! Please please get a small cake a eat it. Or light up your lighter and... blow it out!
ILY Always BiCaPa

De blog

Friday, June 26, 2009

Matt is in Germany, he got an appartment. you can check pictures on his blog here:

I am in getting suffocated with things that I need to do, so sorry about the short post. Still alive, my mother is here to help, we did all the bedroom and today is the rest of the house and also all the trip to Goodwill/ and Four Oaks here in town. oh and also... land field to mine it with our crap!
more later hopefully!

De blog

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Here is my new signature!!

Do you like it?

De blog

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Iowa Art Festival Friday5th

Last evening we went to the Iowa City Art Festival that just started today!
We went first to find our neighbors food stand. Matt got some “walking taco” yummy!! I am not a big taco person, but this was yummy Hmmmm yummy!!

While we were chatting with the boys (sorry Josh, no pictures of you!) the music started, and we listen to the group: “The Damnwells”. Morgane really digged it, but not enough to go dancing with the girls in front. I took a few pics, you can see below.

I am going back this morning because it is when the art is on display. I really want to see what photographer have to offer this year, I wasn’t too impressed last time we went a few years back, but I loved one of them, a teacher from University of Northern Iowa near Waterloo, I loved what he does! I wonder if he is online now. He wasn’t last time I saw him, if he does I will have to share his website for you to see. He used lots of different textures on his print, and they really look so good!!
We saw Andrea that I haven’t seen in like a month, she was with her sister. Hope to see her before we go.
So more pictures probably later today, and a short note! ;0)

Friday, June 5, 2009


Yesterday afternoon while we were trying to organized the garage for our Garage sale next week. Rafael kept on coming back to have his fishing pole so he could go fish with his friend.
It was the first time that Matt was home to go with him, so he was very excited. Finally after putting everything that was outside of the garage IN the garage to be able to shut the door! I got the pole and off they went. Needless to say that I went to take a few pictures! Here are some. Matt showed him once how to send his line in the water and off he was like a pro!
The next morning, he insisted to get Matt to go buy some bait, well off course it isn’t working if one doesn’t anything to offer the fish.

So they went and as I was only waking up reading my book, they came back with a surprise. Look at Rafael’s eyes… So worry that the fish is going to jump on him. The fish is back in the pond and I am sure that he will get another bait from someone else.
Matt cannot wait until we go in Brittany to fish with Rafael. We’ll see if they are as lucky in the ocean where fish tend to be a little more… Aggressive! ;0)

Oh and the last pictures is of Zema, saying that she wasn't happy because she couldn't come with us, cause she scared the fish away! ;0)

Thursday, June 4, 2009

What a pain!

So, as I already knew it, being an Army Wife is always about, being supportive of your husband. Being patient about the rule and regulations, etc… I will however have to say that I am getting SICK and TIRED about the whole rule and regulation. AS most of you know, Matt is reservist, we have been waiting and waiting for his orders to Heidelberg for over 6 months (OVER way OVER) and it finally came, and on the orders that say that it is an “unaccompanied” mission. It says however that they will PCS him. PCS is “Permanent Change of Station” for those of you who don’t know! Well, yesterday we found out that “Uncle Sam” will not move ALL of the household, it only “authorize” 25%! WTH??? What is 25% of our stuff going to do to us? Oh let me think, should I ship 1 or 2 pots to cook with? Should I take 1 or 2 towels for us to dry ourselves when we shower?? I am so pissed off right now (did you realize that yet?) ;0)
So now, he needs to go while I wait for him to have authorization from the “proper” people, then they might or might not say “Go ahead”!! So, needless to say that his dates are to be reporting by mid-June, I don’t think I will be moving until the end of June or something. Since we have to have the “authorization” for Pete’s sake!
So if by any chance your name is “Mrs Michelle Obama”, please talk to my husband’s sponsors duty blablabla… and if you could let them know that he HAS to have his family with him, it will be GREATLY appreciated! OH and if the household items could follow too, that will even be better! Thanks a bunch! ;0)
I will keep on smiling and try not to forget to take my happy pill tomorrow!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Heidelberg update:

So this morning, after Matt dropped off the kids at school, he checked his mail and …
MIRACLE: it is FINNALY here in the mailbox. HIS orders. Jeeeesh one cannot say that we have been waiting for those for a LONG time! So it said, as he has to be reporting on the 15th of June!! Yeah you read it right, the 15!!! WTH!!! Can one have a little more time on their hand to prepare for such a move then just 14 days…? I swear I am starting to really not be happy about it. OK, I shouldn’t say that, after all, I am super happy at the idea of moving there. Even if it is only for a year, I can imagine all the stuff that we are going to be able to show the kids. Castles and trips to area that we wouldn’t be able to see if we were stuck here, but still… 15 days??? Anyway… So Germany, here we come. Heidelberg, here we come, and Mutti… Here we come (Mutti is my mother by the by!)
Kids are in school so they don’t “officially” know. While we are calling around to do all the good stuff that we have to do, transportation office for the move. Car moving services for fees (cause of course they don’t move the POV (personal car) for less than 1 year mission) we can ask after 6 months for extension of the orders and then get them to agree to ship the car, but of course, not before! OH, I love those order so much!! ;0)
So as I was saying we are one the phone and suddenly my cell phone/AKA/electronic brain is ringing to remind me that Rafael has a dentist appointment. (While I am on the phone.) GREAT!! So I tell Matt… GO pick up your son and go!! OK! Here he goes. And then... He text me: “please tell me it is just a check up?” AH AH!! Nope!!! It isn’t… it is for some nice treatment, he will be under laughing gas and he won’t be laughing at all! He is so freaked by the dentist that I am sure he was giving him misguiding direction for his dad never to get to the dentist office! ;0) So… needless to say that I am wondering what is going on with those 2 men, over at the dentist office! I would love to be a little mouse and watch! Sorry… I shouldn’t be saying that, but it will be the first time that he drag his youngest to the place that Rafael HATE the most!
So, anyway… As you saw, we are heading to Germany, which was the main event of the day; we are off course going to need to get that Garage sale going. I will call the newspaper after I am done with this entry and tell them to print something. OH and it is supposed to be RAINING on the Saturday of the Garage sale!!! NO!!!!! Please!!! No more rain!
Wish me LUCK, and if you are thinking that you have a few days to help me with packing organizing selling, please let me know! ;-) I think I will have to swallow a bag of Prozac by the end of the day! ;0)
See you later with more info!