Thursday, December 25, 2008


So this morning, Christmas morning, I got up got cleaned up and spend my few minutes left at home before going to work (yes, I was schedule to work on Christmas day, and YES it did SUCK), anyway… I spend my few last minutes watching my kids opening their gift with OHs and Ahs! What a joy to see those Hooray& "I love it" moments.
And of course Rafael who asked for a “real” camera (and got it) toss the box at me because it wasn’t a REAL one!?? What, It is too?? No it isn’t! Well sure, get me some battery!! NO you ARE LYING!! You are!!! ;-( big tears going down the cheeks. So I showed him that it was a real one and everything was great afterthat! Pffff!!!
So, I am off to work, already kinda running late with no minutes to spare. Go to the garage, open the garage. Go grab the key of the “new” minivan!! No keys?? WTH?? Where are the keys?
-Don’t know answered Matt. I thought you had them in your purse!
-No I never put them in my purse I always hang them on the hook, cause this way it is easier to go!!
-I don’t know then. Let me check my pockets!
-Me!!! :-/ RAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!
-No not in my pockets!!!
-Me: 2XRAAAAAHHHHH!!!! Me calling down the stairs to the basement where my kids are enjoying the installation of the new Guitar Hero game!!
-Where the heck did you put the keys of the van?
-Damien: What keys?
-Morgane: ?? Don’t know?? Why??
-Me: RRRRRAHHHHHHHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! Fine, I’ll go with the “old” van (who sometime decides not to start specially with the cold weather!
So I go!! I am PISSED… I am like!! What did I do with the keys? I swear I put them on the hook! Where did I put them? I empty my purse arriving at work just for good measure! Nope, no keys!
Lunch time: I drive home, and eat. The "old"van has now a light that say “check engine” in bright red color!! OH CRAP!!! I eat and OH goodie, I found the keys that I lost, and that I apparently had hidden under my daughter’s winter hat and gloves!! Oh yeah!! Bad me!! So I am like!! PISSED of PISSED OFF!!
Get out, get in the van (Cause I am running late AGAIN) and start driving! Well… guess what, I didn’t see the BIG HUGE pile of snow at the corner of my neighbor’s driveway… and I feel a BANG… Sliding and nothing… can’t go nowhere? WTH!!! Got out, checked and off course I did that: (see pictures)
It took us, Matt, John (our neighbor) and I over 45 mn to get the van out!!

Can I say triple RRRRAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!
Matt says it was my Karma trying to get me!!!!
So tonight I need to relax and just think positive thoughts!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Work, Health, Smile

Another issue that I have tried to deal with his that I didn’t know that by working in the “health” workforce your own health was going to weaken, I went to work on Wednesday with a HUGE headache, normally most of my headache goes as the day goes on and with my take of Ibuprofen pill… well not that one… It took me 4 days to actually recover from that headache. I discovered that the best thing for me is to try to get husband at home to make sure kids stay quiet and try to sleep as much as you can. That tends to help!!
I went back this morning… AH AH AH!! And I thought I could make it all day!! NOT!! I was ready to pass out at noon. My boss made me stay until 1pm since the “holiday” party was going on… I was like HELL I am going home.
I don’t think this job is a career move for me; I won’t be able to handle the “death toll” that this place has. Last month over 26 passed away. In the last few weeks. We had 5 hospitalized, 3 still at the hospital. Several of my friends have told me that the holiday season is always hard on elderly. I guess this is true, but I sure hope that when it is time for me to be WAY old, I will be in good enough of a health to be able to stay in my house until I die! I would hate to be in one of those place even if I believe the resident are treated with great respect, I just couldn’t handle the fact of being away from my love one. One can only imagine how hard it is on the resident to not be in a “familiar” environment! I don’t know if I could live like that!
I only started a small month away, and I am already ready to quit, and it isn’t because of the work load, not it is just because I can’t handle the fact that some of the resident don’t see their family, don’t receive letter, when they ask for something to their daughter or sons, they are not listened to because they are “dependent” adult! I hate it. I want to scream and call those people and tell them, that their mother or father took care of them when they were kids so now it is their turn to take care of them. But obviously I can’t do that, it won’t be “polite” so I take it home at night and pray that my kids will be nicer to me when I am in the same situation.
My mother always taught me to treat the people like I want to be treated, so I sure hope that my own kids will learn the same and do the same. I guess Life will tell me that when It come to the end!!
So for those of you who read that… if you have a parent, grandparents, grand uncle or aunt somewhere in a “dependent” care facility, take the time to send them a note, to visit them if you are close by, and just try to make them smile! What goes around come around! ;-)

Silence, Wedding etc...

For those of you who I haven't talked to since "forever" or those of you who are wondering what the H... is going on with me, here is the reason of my "silence"
As most of you know I am working part time now!! Well I never thought that working part time could make me getting behind in everything that I do at home or outside home! Needless to say that my laundry pile is growing, my to do list is getting longer and my blog update isn't getting updated! AH!!! I really really admire single mother who work full time and then get home, I really don't know how they are doing it!
Any tip? And please don't tell me to get organized and plan in advance, cause I am not organized and I can only plan 1 day in advance. My head is as messy as my laundry room is! ;-) So anyway... this is the Main reason why my blog hasn't been updated, the other reason was holiday, you know Thanksgiving. we went to Omaha, and less than a week after we drove again in Omaha to celebrate the union in marriage of my brother in law: Alex (the youngest in the family) and his fiancée: Alli: my new sister in law. It was a great time, even though super busy. I don't know how people do that with their own wedding.
Here is a little show about some Dancing going on there:

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Here is also a link of where you can access some more pictures of the wedding. I will try to update as much as I can every day!! :
Called it what you want, because for me it was for sure a blessing, I was bless to have someone else deal with all the planning of my wedding. I came in the states in May was engaged in the end of June and was married in August, so even if I would have liked to help a little more with the planning, I wasn't able to, since my English at the time was a pathetic try of saying "sure" or "yes" or just try to get everyone to think that I understood! I didn't!!! I couldn’t pronounced my own "with this ring I be wed" sentence. I didn't understand what the heck the guy was making me repeat! He couldn’t have made me sign the soul of my first born that I wouldn’t have understood it! Pathetic eh?
So my future mother in law took it upon herself to deal with all the preparation of planning my wedding day! And even though people don’t always get along with their In law, I am thankful that she was there to do the job I couldn’t to! I had a beautiful wedding ceremony, celebration and party! I am still really impressed with how fast she planned the whole thing. A month and she did it beautifully. Anyway, I keep on talking about my own wedding because the last wedding reception was at the same place that our wedding was celebrated. So it was a sweet Memory!!
Here are some pictures that I took on that day or the day before during the “rehearsal” dinner!!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Moon, Venus & Jupiter

I have read an article about this last week, and I thought it was pretty cool, so read on and you will see the rest of my story down below:

From :
Last Sunday, Venus and Jupiter were in conjunction. That means they were near each other and aligned north-to-south on the sky’s dome.
But these blazing beauties will appear almost as close together this evening. Be sure to catch them to the lower right of the
waxing crescent moon at early evening, because Venus and Jupiter will set about 3 hours after sunset.
Venus and Jupiter aren’t really near one another at all, of course, but only happen to reside along the same line of sight now as seen from Earth. Jupiter lies almost 6 times farther away than Venus does. Venus, the 2nd planet outward from the sun, circles the sun inside of Earth’s orbit. Jupiter, the 5th planet outward from the sun, circles the sun outside of Earth’s orbit. If you find that tough to visualize when you gaze at these planets in the evening twilight, don’t worry. You’re not alone!
Now for some astronomical nomenclature. Mercury and Venus lie inside of the Earth’s orbit, so they’re referred to as inferior planets. The planets Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune reside outside of Earth’s orbit and are called superior planets. Yet, the term inferior planet is not synonymous with inner planet. Nor is superior planet synonymous with outer planet.
The inner planets – Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars – are the 4 rocky worlds that reside in between the sun and the
asteroid belt. The 4 outer planets beyond the asteroid belt are the much larger gas giant worlds Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
Written by
Bruce McClure , 2 December 08

Well, this afternoon after coming back from music class with the kids, I saw exactly what they were talking about on this article. Needless to say that I went as soon as I got inside on my patio set up my tripod and my camera and waited hoping to have a good picture!! I had a few, here they are! Enjoy!!