On our First day trip, we traveled from North Liberty to Lincoln, NE. It is the capital of Nebraska.
On our Second day, we bought breakfast at a store and the cookies were good.
We traveled to Lexington, NE where me and my dad and brother went to a military Museum. We saw lots of old stuff: Jeeps, helicopters…
Then we drove to Denver, CO. and stayed at a nice hotel. We went to eat at a Mexican restaurant. When we were ready to leave it was raining hard.
we stayed for lunch at a water park and had fun playing in the water.
Then we drove to the mountain. We had some hails coming down on us when we were on the road. it was very loud.
We travelled to the rental house we are staying in, I saw a huge lake, lots of mountains that still have snow on the top.
(This is the view in front of the house)
My brother and sister and I went to the Hot Springs that we have at the house.

On our Fourth day, I saw some deers outside of our house, very close to me. I told my mom and she took some pictures of them.
Almost everyone is sick because of the lack of oxygen in the mountain. so we stayed home and relaxed.
On our Fifth day, I was feeling sick so I drank a lot, watched TV, read a book, went to sleep, played go fish and other cards game with my grandmother, and went to swim in the hot spring.